In which countries and on which stock exchanges does DGTL Holdings Inc. trade?
- In Canada – DGTL Holdings Inc. is traded on the Toronto Venture Exchange as “DGTL”.
- In the United States of America – DGTL Holdings Inc. is traded on the OTCQB exchange as “DGTHF”.
- In the European Union and United Kingdom, DGTL Holdings Inc. is traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as “A2QB0L.”
What is the current share structure of DGTL Holdings Inc.?
Please visit Investors – Digital Media Technologies
How can I buy and sell common shares in DGTL Holdings Inc.?
Contact your local investment advisor or open a self-directed brokerage account through your personal or corporate banking partner. Contact [email protected] or call us today at 1 877 879 – 3485 (TSX – DGTL) for more information.
When does DGTL Holdings Inc. report in quarterly financials?
- DGTL Holdings Inc. is a full-reporting issuer with quarterly financials and MD&A filed on on a quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis. Annual financials are fully audited as per the exchange and regulator laws and policies.
- DGTL Holdings Inc. has a fiscal year end of May 31st, and thus quarterly financials are due for filing following 60 days and 120 days for annual, on the upcoming dates below:
- Q1 financial reports are due for filing on November 1st
- Q2 (semi-annual) financial reports are due for filing on January 31st
- Q3 financial reports are due for filing on April 29th
- Q4 (audited annually) financial reports are due for filing on September 28th
What are the internal corporate governance policies?
Please visit Corporate Governance – Digital Media Technologies
How can I learn more about the company and its subsidiaries?
- Firstly, be sure to sign up for our corporate newsletter to receive all future press releases and editorials directly via email.
- Secondly, review all available investor materials and resource in our Investor Hub section of the website, including previous press releases, editorials, investor’s presentations, investor’s factsheets, video presentations, etc.
- Thirdly, feel free to email your questions to [email protected]
In which countries and on which stock exchanges does DGTL Holdings Inc. trade?
- In Canada – DGTL Holdings Inc. is traded on the Toronto Venture Exchange as “DGTL”.
- In the United States of America – DGTL Holdings Inc. is traded on the OTCQB exchange as “DGTHF”.
- In the European Union and United Kingdom, DGTL Holdings Inc. is traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as “A2QB0L.”
What is the current share structure of DGTL Holdings Inc.?
Please visit Investors – Digital Media Technologies
How can I buy and sell common shares in DGTL Holdings Inc.?
Contact your local investment advisor or open a self-directed brokerage account through your personal or corporate banking partner. Contact [email protected] or call us today at 1 877 879 – 3485 (TSX – DGTL) for more information.
When does DGTL Holdings Inc. report in quarterly financials?
- DGTL Holdings Inc. is a full-reporting issuer with quarterly financials and MD&A filed on on a quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis. Annual financials are fully audited as per the exchange and regulator laws and policies.
- DGTL Holdings Inc. has a fiscal year end of May 31st, and thus quarterly financials are due for filing following 60 days and 120 days for annual, on the upcoming dates below:
- Q1 financial reports are due for filing on November 1st
- Q2 (semi-annual) financial reports are due for filing on January 31st
- Q3 financial reports are due for filing on April 29th
- Q4 (audited annually) financial reports are due for filing on September 28th
What are the internal corporate governance policies?
Please visit Corporate Governance – Digital Media Technologies
How can I learn more about the company and its subsidiaries?
- Firstly, be sure to sign up for our corporate newsletter to receive all future press releases and editorials directly via email.
- Secondly, review all available investor materials and resource in our Investor Hub section of the website, including previous press releases, editorials, investor’s presentations, investor’s factsheets, video presentations, etc.
- Thirdly, feel free to email your questions to [email protected]